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3.28.21 Announcements

Prayer Requests:

Please lift up in prayer- Garret Fenner & family, Kelly Rustad, Judy Ausk, Trudy Torgerson, Carolyn Driscoll, Tanya Ausk, Shirley Berg, Wesley Nelson, Pam Johnson, Shirley Jermstad, Carol Malone. Prayers for our elders. Please remember all those in our school, community, state and country that are affected by the Coronavirus. Our thoughts and prayers to Kassie Kautzman and the college rodeo friends and families on the loss of two friends in an auto accident on the way to a rodeo. May the Lord wrap His loving arms around you and comfort you at this difficult time. A special Thank you to Dena Flom for her wonderful message at Wednesday’s Lenten Service of how God has worked and continues to work in her life. God Bless you! Thank you to all the children for singing for us today on this Palm Sunday!


*Today New Member Orientation 10am at Norman

* TODAY 4th Lesson Communion Classes (4th & 5th grade students. Parent(s) are also required to attend) 10:15am at Norman

*TODAY norMEN will be serving a breakfast brunch following 11am services at Norman. Meal will include a Breakfast Burrito Bar. Scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage links, salsa, tortillas. All are welcome!

*Holy Week Services* Maundy Thursday, April 1st, 1st Communion with grades 4-7th youth 7pm at Norman

Community Good Friday Service April 2nd 7pm at Canaan Moravian Davenport All are welcome! Easter Service April 4th Davenport 9am Norman 11am (egg hunt following each service)

*Council Meeting Wednesday, April 7th 7pm

*If you would like to bring an Easter Lilly or flower/plant to beautify our altars on Easter morning, please bring to the church by Saturday or early Sunday morning. Thank you!

Today we celebrate another State Championship with the Kindred Youth Wrestling Team on their 2021 ND Youth Duals Small Town State Championship! Congratulations! So proud of the whole team and our Norman Davenport members on that team-Tyson Johnson, Brock Johnson, Javen Johnson, Noach Swenson and Gavin Swenson. Another State Champion team, another parade!! Today 3:00pm in Kindred the team will be coming home. Come on out to cheer them on!

Special THANK YOU to all that made the Easter picture day at Davenport a great success! Pastor Katie, Marty, Mike, Carol J, Sydney and Claire! It was a great day!


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