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8.13.23 Bulletin & Annoucements


Please lift in prayer Dan Albright, Steve Haux, Beulah Rustad, Matt Valan, Pastor Phil Larsen and family, Carol Malone, Bonnie Plath, Arlene Haux, Garret Fenner & family, Tanya Ausk, Shirley Berg, Kenny Garrett and family. Please pray for Hawaii.


*Wednesday August 16th Worship at Davenport Lutheran 7:00pm. All Welcome!

*No Worship at either church on Sunday, September 3rd.

*Last summer Wednesday service will be August 30th at Davenport.

*Davenport Community Day Sept 16th -DLC will be hosting a rummage sale and bake sale during Davenport Days.

*Donations for the Davenport rummage sale may be dropped off in the upstairs fireside room. Please contact a member to meet you and assist if needed. Thank you!

*Bible study with Erin Westby will start October 1st. If you would like more info please contact Erin at 701.730.0779.

*Rally Sunday September 10th at both churches. Gods Work. Our Hands. service projects this day also!

*First day of Sunday School at Norman Sept 17th during worship

*Wed. Kids Club begins Sept 20th at Davenport

*Confirmation begins Wed. Sept 20th at Norman. 7th & 8th grade 6:30-7:15pm and 9th grade 7:30-8:15pm

*Back to School Shoe Run- Looking for monetary donations so every Kindred student can be proud to arrive the first day of school wearing new shoes! For more info: Offering box available during VBS

*Mark your calendars- The third annual Norman-Davenport Table Fest has been scheduled for Saturday, October 28. If you would like to host a table, contact Nancy Ebens or Elaine Swenson. More details to come.


Norman Davenport Parish VBS Worship!

Sunday, August 13, 2023 Norman Lutheran Church

VBS 1-5pm -Meal 5:00pm -Worship 6:00pm

Pastor Katie Kringstad

Opening Song: Jesus Loves Me #595


Sharing of the peace

Prayer of the Day: Let us pray. A brief silence is kept before the prayer.

Dear Lord Jesus, help us all to walk in your footsteps as you lead us on our journey through life. Make each of us a champion in following you. Amen

Children’s Moment Songs: Let’s Praise the Lord! & I’m In-Right, Out-Right, Up-Right, Down-Right

Confession and Forgiveness

Dear Lord, I forgot. I forgot that I am free. I keep trying to measure up to earn your love, through all my good deeds, achievements, and successes. I keep trying to make myself “good enough” in your eyes. I forgot that you love me as I am, right here, right now. I keep trying to be number one, successful, a winner, be all that I can be, and I forgot… I forgot that you died for me too. That you did away with the words success and failure on the cross. I keep on trying to be perfect so that you would love me. And I forgot. I forgot that it is by your grace, not my striving, that makes me acceptable and accepted. We learned today that being a champion is being on your team Lord not winning earthly awards. Remind me father, of your love, acceptance, and forgiveness. Amen

Offering Song: I Want Jesus to Walk with Me (#325)

Reading: Matthew 14:22-33

Sermon: Pastor Katie

Sending Song: This Little Light of Mine #677

Dismissal: P: Go in Peace serve the Lord R: Thanks be to God


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