January 17 Announcements & Bulletin
Please lift up in prayer: family & friends of Wes Robertstahl, Rohrbeck Family, Trudy Torgerson, Carolyn Driscoll, Tanya Ausk, Shirley Berg, Wesley Nelson, Pam Johnson, Shirley Jermstad, Carol Malone. Prayers for our elders. Please remember all those in our school, community, state and country that are affected by the Coronavirus. Prayers that we all be patient, graceful and wise regarding decisions and interactions for the coming winter season. Prayers for our Nation.
Our thoughts and prayers to Carolyn Thoen and family on the passing of Audrey Casperson. (Carolyn sister in law). May the Lord comfort you at this time and bring you peace.
ANNOUNCEMENTS ndparish.net
*Annual Meetings are scheduled for Davenport today January 17th and Norman January 24th. The meetings will take place during worship.
*Annual Report Information due to Joan- Norman due TODAY January 17th. Please use WORD for your reports. You may also print a hard copy to turn in. Send to normandavenportparish@hotmail.com
*Norman Sunday School resumes TODAY January 17th at 11:15-12.
*Davenport Wednesday Kids Club resumes January 20th 4:15-5pm
*Confirmation resumes Wednesday, January 20th 6:15-7pm at Norman.
*Newsletter information due to Jen by Wednesday, January 20th ndparishnews@gmail.com