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January 3 Announcements

PRAYER REQUESTS Please lift up in prayer: Rohrbeck Family, Trudy Torgerson, Carolyn Driscoll, Tanya Ausk, Shirley Berg, Wesley Nelson, Pam Johnson, Shirley Jermstad, Audrey Casperson, Carol Malone, Madi Miller. Prayers for our elders. Please remember all those in our school, community, state and country that are affected by the Coronavirus. Prayers that we all be patient, graceful and wise regarding decisions and interactions for the coming winter season.

Our thoughts and prayers to Nicole & Kelly Rohrbeck and family on the passing of Nicole’s mother on January 2nd. May the Lord wrap you in His loving arms at this difficult time and bring you Peace. ANNOUNCEMENTS *January Worship times Davenport 9:00am and Norman 11:00am. *Annual Meetings are scheduled for Davenport January 17th and Norman January 24th. (More information about meetings to follow) *Annual Report Information due to Joan- Davenport due January 10th and Norman due January 17th. Please use WORD for your reports. You may also print a hard copy to turn in. Send to *Norman Sunday School resumes January 17th at 11:15-12. *Davenport Wednesday Kids Club resumes January 20th 4:15-5pm *Confirmation resumes Wednesday, January 20th 6:15-7pm at Norman.


Thank you everyone for Blessing our services and our Parish during this season of Advent. Whether it be with the decorating of our churches, advent readings and lighting of advent candles, helping with Sunday/Wednesday School and projects (gingerbread manger scenes, advent box activities, etc..), helping/performing in our Christmas program, recording/filming of services, posting the said services on website and Facebook pages, creating an amazing newsletter, shoveling and removing snow, ushering duties, preparing the church for our services, providing organ/piano music to beautify our Christmas Hymns and services, provide special vocal & instrumental music during our services, Karl having his piano students perform during worship, (which includes Charli, Kate, Kyle, Cade, Beckett, Turner, Asher, Lauren, Jackson, Jack and Emily), serving communion in the parking lot, Pastor Kathy and Pastor Katie with their messages and special children’s moments, being a part of our councils, presenting your beautiful baby girl Maple Odegaard in front of our congregation to be Baptized in God’s Love, supporting each other and our homebound members, supporting us from near (in the ND cold) or from afar (warmer weather), sitting 6 feet apart in the pews or watching from home, my list could go on…...

YOU!!! To our Parish! To Norman! To Davenport! To our Congregations! YOU are so special! Everyone is so special, so appreciated and so important! You are our church! And I thank everyone for all that you do to make us who we are! We are Norman Davenport Parish and we are Blessed by God!

Here is to a Wonderful, Loving, Amazing and Blessed New Year!

Thank you to all!



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