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5.22.21 Announcements

Today at Norman Lutheran we welcome through Holy Baptism, Madelyn Anne McDowell. Madelyn was born May 3rd, 2021 to Ryan and Amanda McDowell. She is younger sister to Emily, Colton and Maggie. Madelyn’s baptismal sponsors are Erin & Dustin Lampert and Danica & Austin Graham. Jesus Loves You Madelyn! Today at Davenport Lutheran, we welcome our New Member Families! Tony & Noel Balderas, Anthony (10) and Aiden (10) Brian & Jessica Kujala, Olivia (10), Nathan (9), Mason (5) and Logan (2) God Bless you! Welcome! At Davenport today we also celebrate with our Confirmand Samantha Ebens. She is the daughter of Chris & Jennifer Ebens. We did not get to celebrate Samantha last fall due to Covid restrictions. Today we will honor Samantha and our new members with a wonderful Brunch following service! All are welcome! Today we lift up in our thoughts and prayers the High School Class of 2021. God Bless you through the next chapter of your life! We are very proud of every one of you! God be with you! Congratulations! Best of Luck! Special Thank You to Pastor Katie, Mike & Marty Schmit and to everyone that helped to make Davenports Spring Picnic a huge success. Thank you to the Community for all their support! A great night and so much fun!! Thank you! Thank you also to those that helped with the Spring Picnic at Norman! Prayer Requests:

Please lift up in prayer- family and friends of Conway Simensen, Garret Fenner & family, Trudy Torgerson, Carolyn Driscoll, Tanya Ausk, Shirley Berg, Wesley Nelson, Shirley Jermstad, Carol Malone. Prayers for our elders, babies, graduates, new members and confirmand. ANNOUNCEMENTS *TODAY Kindred High School Graduation Ceremony 2:00pm *Memorial Day Weekend….Next Sunday, May 30th there will be no Worship at either Norman or Davenport. We will begin our summer Worship schedule on Wednesday, June 2nd! Wednesday Worship time Norman 6:00pm and Davenport 7:30pm *Monday AA Meeting 8:00pm at Norman Parish Council Meeting Wednesday, June 2nd at Davenport following worship services. *Bone Builders meet every Monday and Friday 10:30-11:30am at Kindred City Hall. *Norman Spring Cleaning during the month of May. Lists and cleaning supplies are in the kitchen. Cleaning can be done on your own time. * Spring cleaning dates extended at Davenport. Choose the time(s) that are convenient for you. There will be chore lists for each room on the kitchen counter...just pick the chore(s) you desire to do and mark it finished when you are done. Thanks all! Mark your calendars -Memorial Day Services will be taking place this year at our local community cemeteries. Schedule of locations/times TBD. (weather permitting) - June 12th and 13th Davenport Community Days. Craft & Vendor show Booths still available. Contact Joan Pratt -Come celebrate Warren and Judy Ausk’s 50th Wedding Anniversary June 13, 2021 from 2 to 4pm at Norman Lutheran. -Davenport will be celebrating their 125th on June 23rd. See June newsletter for more information. -Kindred Community Days July 30th - August 1st Norman Members, At its April 7, 2021 meeting, the Norman Church Council discussed the summer service schedule and how to best optimize attendance during busy summer schedules. The Council determined that because many families head to the lake on weekends, it may be best to hold service on Wednesday evenings similar to what Davenport Church has been doing the past few years. Although the Council thought this was best for the Church and congregation, the feedback received from some members was a preference for traditional Sunday services. After hearing this feedback, the Council decided to send a survey to the Norman members to determine the congregation’s overall preference. The survey results showed that 60% of members preferred Wednesday services in the summer. However, the Council determined a compromise was best in order to satisfy the largest number of members. Therefore, this summer, starting Wednesday, June 2, Norman Church services will be held on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM, except for June 20 (traditional Sunday service at 9:00 AM), July 18 (First Lutheran Church at 1:30 PM for Pastor Katie’s ordination), and August 15 (traditional Sunday service at 9:00 AM). These dates and times will be included in future newsletters. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact any member of the Norman Church Council. We appreciate your feedback and hope to continue serving the best interests of the Norman Lutheran Church. Sincerely, Lukas Croaker, Norman Church Council President


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