Shoe Drive for Kindred Elementary School!
Who doesn't love new shoes?! Join the Norman Davenport Parish in an opportunity to work with the Kindred Public School to "kick off" the school year and help make sure each student in the elementary school can start school with a new pair of shoes! Please consider donating to this "shoe run" where we will collect the donated money and buy a variety of shoes to drop off at the elementary school. Students can privately "shop" for their new shoes in August and show up on the first day wearing brand new shoes.
How to donate:
VENMO: @NormanLutheran
Church: put $$ in offering box at either church
Mail: Mail your donation to Norman treasurer Sarah Baumgarten at 16803 52ndSt SE Kindred, ND 58051
*donation receipt available upon request
Donations requested by SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 with items available for families the following week.
Please contact Jen or Pastor Katie (701-429-3374) with any questions.