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3.23.22 Bulletin & Announcements

Please lift up in prayer- Aleta Johnson, family and friends of Maxine Torgerson, Shirley Jermstad, Bonnie Plath, Marlys Grindberg, Arlene Haux, Garret Fenner & family, Trudy Torgerson, Tanya Ausk, Judy Ausk, Shirley Berg, Wesley Nelson, Carol Malone.


March 2022 Worship Times

Sunday Davenport 9:00am Norman 11:00am *Wednesday Lent Service 7pm at Norman (Livestream on Parish Facebook page) Sunday School 11:15 at Norman Wednesday Kids Club 4:15-5pm at Davenport Confirmation Wednesday 6:15-7pm at Norman

*Newsletter info due to Jen ASAP

*Youth and families… Mark your calendars for our next Community Service Project April 24th More info to come.

*Wednesday Parish Lenten Worship Services will be at Norman Lutheran 7:00pm. There will be a meal served at 6:00pm before services. You may also watch Wednesday Lent Services livestreamed on our Parish Facebook page.

----Davenport members - the Lenten meal sign up list is in entryway. ----Norman see the signup genius link that was sent for meals or see Katie/Jen Swenson.

* Davenport Lutheran sponsored BINGO Thursday, April 21, 2022 Davenport Supper Club 7pm-8:30pm

*Norman members, please consider signing up for ushering, reading and acolyting for March and April worship services. There is a sign up link on the website.

*Our Parish Council has chosen to designate this year’s Lent offering to help & continue to show our love & support to our local family with medical and travel expenses as their son Garrett Fenner, a 9th grader at KHS, continues his journey with his kidney disease and the healing process and life changes that he is going through.

*Davenport Lutheran Church is offering free children’s Easter photos with live baby chicks! The photos will be at Davenport Lutheran. March 26th from 10:00am-2:00pm. Sign up genius on our website.

*Lutheran World Relief This lent we will be collecting donations for Lutheran World Relief. Each week is a new item to bring. Our goal is to have 24 sets to send to Lutheran World Relief. Week 1- Bars of Soap (any kind, in original wrapping)

Week 2- Bath Towels (light weight, 52x27 dark colors recommended)

Week 3- Toothbrushes (adult size)

Week 4- Combs

Week 5- Nail clippers

*Community Events….

*FM Master Chorale Palm Sunday Concert 3 pm April 10 Olivet Lutheran church Our own Pastor Phil Larson will be soloist. Tickets at the door or on line at

*Tickets on sale for Harwood Prairie Playhouse presents THE PLAY THAT MUST GO ON A Fargo Talk Radio Disaster featuring our own Dawn Thompson. March 24-26 @ 7:30pm March 13, 20, 26 @ 2:00pm. 701.298.6807 or prairieplayhouse,org.

-Kindred Fire Department 25th Annual Benefit Supper Saturday, March 26th Prime Rib Supper 5:30-8:00pm

-KHS Theater presents You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown Saturday April 2@ 7pm and Sunday April 3 @ 2pm in High School Gym. Free and Open to the public.

Norman Davenport Lenten Service Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022 Pastor Katie Kringstad

Welcome and Announcements Opening Prayer (Based on Psalm 25:1-10) We come, trusting in God's mercy and love, longing to know and to learn more about God's ways. We come, to be guided in the ways of God's truth— to experience the joy of God's salvation. We come, in our Lenten journey, aware of God's steadfast love helping us to overcome the trials and temptations which can descend on us at any time. Lead us, O God, to do what is right in your eyes and teach us to follow the humble way of Christ, your beloved Son, our crucified and risen, Lord. Amen.

Holden Evening Prayer

1st Reading - Mark 4:21-25 Psalm – Psalm 32:6-7 2nd Reading - Jeremiah 29:11

Video Sermon by Rob Bell – Dust Closing Prayer Lord, we give you thanks for this wonderful evening of prayer and worship. We thank you for guiding each person here tonight and pray that they have felt your presence with them during this time and will continue on the journey ahead. Help us Lord in our call to be your disciples. Help us to do and be like you Lord and thank you that you take us as we are. We know we are not perfect and we also know that you believe in us and have chosen us. We can make a difference in this world in your name. Let us be covered in the dust of Jesus as we walk behind, following our Lord and Savior in all we do. In your Holy name, we pray, Amen.

Closing Song, What Wonderous Love Is This (666)

Go in peace and serve the Lord!

Thanks be to God!


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