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9.4.22 Announcements

There will be No Sunday Worship Tomorrow at Norman Lutheran (or Davenport)!

Wednesday Summer Worship at Davenport is complete. No services this Wednesday September 7th!

Thank you to all that made Wednesday worship a success!

Fall Worship Services will begin at both Norman Lutheran and Davenport Lutheran on Sunday, September 11th. This is Rally Sunday! Potluck meal following each service.

Join us for Rally Sunday on Sunday, September 11th at Norman!

9:00 am: Church Service

10:00 am: 5K run/walk, lawn games and hay rides

11:00 am: Lunch

For lunch we are going to do a potluck! Group 2 (last name M-Z) will be in charge of bringing a main dish, and we ask that other members bring a side or dessert to share.

Here is the sign-up link to help serve, clean-up or bring a main dish!

Please consider signing up to usher, greet, acolyting and reading. You may find opportunities at the link on our website.

Fall Worship Times

Norman Lutheran 9:00am

Davenport Lutheran 11:00am

Wednesday Kids Club begins the following Wednesday Sept. 14th at Davenport beginning at 4:15pm-5:00pm.

Sunday School begins the following Sunday Sept 18th at Norman during Worship time (approx.9:15am kids will be dismissed after Communion)

Camp Castaway Retreat--Wow! There are 10 youth signed up to go. Would you be able to Chaperone?

We are searching for two adult leaders to go with the kids to Castaway Club on September 16-18 on Pelican Lake. We have ten kids signed up! They will be leaving Friday evening time TBD and returning Sunday morning after group worship at 10:30 a.m. You do not have to be a parent of one of the kids to go. We do need one male chaperone to be with the boys and one female to be with the girls. Please let me know if you are interested and I will send you the forms to fill out. Please consider volunteering as if we do not find leaders the kids will not be able to go. See Pastor Katie if interested.

Attention Parish Women We are planning our 2nd Annual Table Fest Saturday, October 29th. If you are interested in hosting & decorating a table, please contact Elaine Swenson or Nancy Ebens



The DLC Sunday School used to have a rummage sale every year. We haven't done this in a while so, the thought was maybe it is time to do it again.

The rummage sale is planned for Saturday, September 17th from 10-3. This will be a free will sale for DLC so nothing has to be tagged and priced....unless there are items we feel firm on a price. You will be able to drop off your items at the church the week before if you can, and even a small last-minute load the morning of. If you need help, please let us know and we can arrange for someone to be there.


Davenport Lutheran will be sponsoring BINGO during community days. Saturday, September 17th from 4:00pm-6:00pm at the Davenport Firehall.


During the BINGO event, Davenport Lutheran will be having a bake sale at the firehall.

PARADE Saturday Sept 17th @ 11:00am

Come shopping with us at the

Craft and Vendor Show

Saturday, September 17th


Outside Davenport City Hall

during Davenport Community Days. 25 vendors will be there!

Lunch in the Davenport Park

Stop by the Park Concession Stand during Davenport Days

beginning at 11:00am for lunch.

Lunch served by the Burkhart Family

Mark your calendars for Sunday September 25th 11:00am

Davenport will be having their Blessing of the Animals Worship Service


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